About Us

In the vibrant tapestry of Indian democracy, where the traditional pillars of Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary stand tall, there emerges an unconventional force – an unwritten pillar, so to speak – that carries the aspirations and strength of the common people. “The Fifth Pillar,” this metaphorical foundation is not entrenched in legal doctrines but thrives on the spirit of empowerment and community engagement.

The Fifth Pillar is registered under the Indian Trust Act of 1882. The organisation is dedicated to bridging the digital divide and fostering socio-economic development in marginalised communities across India. Since its inception in 2017, The Fifth Pillar has focused on key areas such as skill development, entrepreneurship, livelihood, education, health, and digital literacy, particularly for socially and educationally backward groups.

The goals of The Fifth Pillar reflect our dedication to building a society where every individual is not only recognised but empowered to shape the trajectory of the nation. Through strategic objectives and a commitment to long-term impact, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change, with the common people at the forefront of our endeavours


  • Promote Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Create an environment that encourages and supports entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on women-led enterprises and businesses from socially and educationally backward groups.
  • Advocate for Policy Change: Work collaboratively with stakeholders and policymakers to advocate for policies that foster inclusivity, social justice, and equal opportunities for all.
  • Measure and Evaluate Impact: Implement robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess the impact of our programs, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Forge Strategic Partnerships: Establish strategic partnerships with like-minded organisations, government agencies, and community leaders to maximise the reach and effectiveness of our initiatives.
  • Empower through Education: Develop and implement educational programs that not only provide access to knowledge but also empower individuals to become active participants in their communities and the democratic process.